Category Archives: Sacrament of Confession

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Parish Retreat

Parish Renewal Mission – March 9 – 11, 2018

Preaching the Mission will be Rev. Bohdan Tymchyshyn, PhD
Mission is a special moment in the life of a parish community when once again, we are gathered to listen to a Proclamation of God Our Father’s saving love for us in Jesus Christ.

This “hearing and proclaiming” is a vital part of the Mission of the Church. As St. Paul wrote: “How can they call on Him if they have not believed? And how can they believe if they have not heard the message? And how can the message be preached, if the messengers are not sent out? As the Scripture says, ‘ How wonderful is the coming of those who bring the Good News.” So then, faith comes from hearing the message and the message comes through preaching Christ” ( Rom 10: 14 -17).
We ask you to pray that many Christians will take advantage of this important event. Make it a priority for yourself and your family. Mark the dates on your calendar now and keep these days free so that you may participate as often as possible.

God, Our Father, we offer You praise and thanksgiving
for all the many gifts You have given us through Jesus, Your Son.
We thank You especially for the gift of our
Parish Mission.
Loving and gracious God, quiet our minds and hearts,
that we may be open to the gift of Your truth.
Grant that our Mission may be:
a time of preparation, a time of grace for all,
a time of growth for the young,
a time of renewal for the old,
a time of union for families,
a time of healing for the broken,
a time of joy for the sorrowing,
a time of challenge for the complacent,
a time of forgiveness for the sinner,
a time of strength for the holy, a time of homecoming for those who have been away.
Grant, most loving God, that our Mission
May bring down Your richest blessings
on each and every member of our parish community.
We pray through the intercession of Mary, our Mother,
in the name of Jesus Christ who lives with You and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.


Боже, Отче наш, Славимо Тебе та дякуємо Тобі
за обильні дари, якими Ти нас обдарив
через Ісуса, Свого Сина.
Особливо дякуємо Тобі за нашу
Парафіяльну Місію.
Люблячий та ласкавий Боже,
успокой нам думки та серця, щоб ми могли відкрито приймати дари Твоєї правди,
Дозволь, щоб наша Місія могла бути:
часом підготовки, часом ласки для всіх,
часом розвитку для молоді.
часом віднови для старших,
часом з’єднання для родин,
часом зцілення для ранених,
часом радостн для засмучених,
часом виклику для самовдоволенних,
часом прощення для грішників,
часом сили для святих,
часом повороту додому для тих, котрих бракувало.
Дозволь, люблячий Боже, щоб наша Місія
зіслала найбагатші благословення
на кожного у нашій парафіяльній громаді.
Ми молимося, через заступництво Марії, нашої Матері, в ім’я Ісуса Христа. Котрий живе з Тобою
та Святим Духом на віки. Амінь.

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Свята Тайна Сповіді

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У св. Тайні Покаяння священик в імені та вла­дою Ісуса Христа відпускає нам гріхи, якщо щиро жалуємо за них, сповідаємося, обіцяємо поправи­тися та відпокутувати за них.

Щоб Сповідь була доброю, треба:

  1. Зробити іспит сумління, себто пригадати собі всі, особливо тяжкі гріхи,
  2. викликати в собі жаль за них,
  3. постановити рішуче поправитися,
  4. визнати гріхи перед священиком у св. Сповіді, 
  5. відправити покуту, накладену сповідником. 
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Sacrament of Confession

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By virtue of Baptism and Chrismation we have a share in the life of God; but, as we all know through personal experience, how fragile this divine life in us is. God has given each of us the freedom to choose, and we do not always choose wisely. We disobey Him and sin. God “knows what we are made of; He knows we are dust” (Ps 102); He knows that we are weak, imperfect human beings constantly in need of His mercy.

Therefore, as a sign of His great mercy, He instituted the Sacrament of Penance to restore divine life in us lost through sins committed after Baptism. This Sacrament was instituted when, on Easter Sunday, Jesus “breathed on the apostles, and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained'” (Jn 20, 19, 22-23).   Our Lord instituted the Sacrament of Penance, which is the tribunal of mercy, so that He could forgive us every time we fall.

Requirements For Making a Worthy Confession

To receive this Sacrament worthily, five things are necessary:
1) to examine our conscience.
2) to be sorry for our sins.
3) to resolve to sin no more.
4) to confess all our mortal sins to the priest.

In order to prepare oneself for a good confession, it is good to implore God for His light and grace.

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