Category Archives: Lent (Великий Піст)

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Liturgical Calendar and Feast Days

Liturgical Calendar and Feast Days

The Liturgical Year is an annual cycle of seasons and feasts that celebrates the Paschal Mystery, especially focusing on Christ’s Death and Resurrection (Easter Cycle), and Birth (Christmas Cycle). The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that “In the Liturgical Year the various aspects of the one Paschal mystery unfold. This is also the case with the cycle of feasts surrounding the mystery of the incarnation (Annunciation, Christmas, Epiphany). They commemorate the beginning of our salvation and communicate to us the first fruits of the Paschal mystery.” (CCC 1171)

The celebration of the Liturgical Year is meant to draw the Catholic faithful into the Mystery of Christ, helping them to experience His divine life more fully and deeply. This includes remembering and celebrating the lives of the saints, especially Mary, the Mother of God: “By keeping the memorials of the saints – first of all the holy Mother of God, then the apostles, the martyrs, and other saints – on fixed days of the Liturgical Year, the Church on earth shows that she is united with the liturgy of heaven. She gives glory to Christ for having accomplished his salvation in his glorified members; their example encourages her on her way to the Father.” (CCC 1195)

The Western and Eastern rites of the Catholic Church hold the major feast days and seasons in common, but differ on many of the solemnities and feasts. Below are the most important feast days, plus some of the feasts unique to the Eastern Catholic Churches.

2017-2018 Liturgical and Feast Days

*Holy Days of obligation

Pascha and the 12 Great Feasts

Includes Major Civil Holidays in the United States

In the Season of Pentecost

September 1: The Beginning of the Church Year
September 4: Labor Day (USA)
September 8: Feast of Nativity of the Mother of God
September 14: Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross
October 1: Feast of the Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God
October 15: Sunday of the Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council
November 8: Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and the Other Bodiless Powers

Preparation for the Nativity of Our Lord

November 15: Nativity Fast (Philip’s Fast also known as Advent)
November 21: The Entry of the Most Holy Mother of God into the Temple
November 23: Thanksgiving Day (USA)
December 6: St Nicholas the Wonderworker and Archbishop of Myra in Lycia
December 8: Conception by Anne of the Most Holy Mother of God (Immaculate Conception)
December 12: Our Lady of Guadalupe

Season of the Christmas cycle

*December 25: The Nativity of our Lord God and Savior, Jesus Christ Holy Day of Oblig.
December 26: Synaxis of the Most Holy Mother of God
January 1: Circumcision of Our Lord and the Memory of St. Basil the Great
*January 6: Theophany (Baptism) of Our Lord Holy Day of Obligation

Pre-Paschal Season

January 15: Martin Luther King Day (USA)
January 21: Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee
January 28: Sunday of the Prodigal Son
January 30: Synaxis of the Ecumenical Teachers and Hierarchs: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom
February 2: Presentation of Our Lord in the Temple
February 3: First All-Souls Saturday
February 4: Sunday of Meat-Fare
February 11: Sunday of Cheese-Fare

The Great Fast

February 12: First Day of the Great Fast
February 18: First Sunday of the Great Fast (Sunday of Orthodoxy)
February 24: Second All-Souls Saturday
February 25: Second Sunday of the Great Fast (St. Gregory Palamas)
March 3: Third All-Souls Saturday
March 4: Third Sunday of the Great Fast (Veneration of the Holy Cross)
March 11: Fourth Sunday of the Great Fast (St. John of the Ladder)
March 17: Akathistos Saturday
March 18: Fifth Sunday of the Great Fast (St. Mary of Egypt)

Holy Week

March 24: Saturday of Lazarus
March 25: Palm (Flowery) Sunday, Annuciation to the Mother of God
March 26: Great and Holy Monday
March 27: Great and Holy Tuesday
March 28: Great and Holy Wednesday
March 29: Great and Holy Thursday
March 30: Great and Holy Friday
March 31: Great and Holy Saturday
April 1: Pascha (Easter Sunday)

Paschal Season

Apr 1-8: Bright Week
April 8: Second Sunday of Pascha (Thomas Sunday)
April 15: Third Sunday of Pascha (Ointment-Bearing Women)
April 22: Fourth Sunday of Pascha (Healing of the Paralytic) Feast of Saints Cyril and Methodius
April 29: Fifth Sunday of Pascha (Samaritan Woman)
May 6: Sixth Sunday Sunday of Pascha (Man Born Blind)
*May 10: Ascension of Our Lord, Thursday (40 days after Easter) Holy Day of Obligation
May 13: Seventh Sunday of Pascha (Fathers of the First Council)
May 19: Fifth All-Souls Saturday
May 20: Feast of Pentecost Sunday (50 days after Easter)
May 21: Feast of the Holy Trinity

Season of Pentecost

May 27: Sunday of All Saints
May 28 – June 28: The Apostles’ Fast
May 28: Memorial Day (USA)
June 24: The Birth of John the Baptist
*June 29: Feast of SS Peter and Paul, Apostles   Holy Day of Obligation
July 4: Independence Day (USA)
July 15: Sunday of the Fathers of the First 6 Ecumenical Councils
July 20: Elijah Great Prophet (the Holy Prophet Elias)
August 1-14: Dormition Fast
August 6: Transfiguration of Our Lord
*August 15: Dormition of the Mother of God   Holy Day of Obligation
August 29: Beheading of John the Baptist

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Parish Retreat

Parish Renewal Mission – March 9 – 11, 2018

Preaching the Mission will be Rev. Bohdan Tymchyshyn, PhD
Mission is a special moment in the life of a parish community when once again, we are gathered to listen to a Proclamation of God Our Father’s saving love for us in Jesus Christ.

This “hearing and proclaiming” is a vital part of the Mission of the Church. As St. Paul wrote: “How can they call on Him if they have not believed? And how can they believe if they have not heard the message? And how can the message be preached, if the messengers are not sent out? As the Scripture says, ‘ How wonderful is the coming of those who bring the Good News.” So then, faith comes from hearing the message and the message comes through preaching Christ” ( Rom 10: 14 -17).
We ask you to pray that many Christians will take advantage of this important event. Make it a priority for yourself and your family. Mark the dates on your calendar now and keep these days free so that you may participate as often as possible.

God, Our Father, we offer You praise and thanksgiving
for all the many gifts You have given us through Jesus, Your Son.
We thank You especially for the gift of our
Parish Mission.
Loving and gracious God, quiet our minds and hearts,
that we may be open to the gift of Your truth.
Grant that our Mission may be:
a time of preparation, a time of grace for all,
a time of growth for the young,
a time of renewal for the old,
a time of union for families,
a time of healing for the broken,
a time of joy for the sorrowing,
a time of challenge for the complacent,
a time of forgiveness for the sinner,
a time of strength for the holy, a time of homecoming for those who have been away.
Grant, most loving God, that our Mission
May bring down Your richest blessings
on each and every member of our parish community.
We pray through the intercession of Mary, our Mother,
in the name of Jesus Christ who lives with You and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.


Боже, Отче наш, Славимо Тебе та дякуємо Тобі
за обильні дари, якими Ти нас обдарив
через Ісуса, Свого Сина.
Особливо дякуємо Тобі за нашу
Парафіяльну Місію.
Люблячий та ласкавий Боже,
успокой нам думки та серця, щоб ми могли відкрито приймати дари Твоєї правди,
Дозволь, щоб наша Місія могла бути:
часом підготовки, часом ласки для всіх,
часом розвитку для молоді.
часом віднови для старших,
часом з’єднання для родин,
часом зцілення для ранених,
часом радостн для засмучених,
часом виклику для самовдоволенних,
часом прощення для грішників,
часом сили для святих,
часом повороту додому для тих, котрих бракувало.
Дозволь, люблячий Боже, щоб наша Місія
зіслала найбагатші благословення
на кожного у нашій парафіяльній громаді.
Ми молимося, через заступництво Марії, нашої Матері, в ім’я Ісуса Христа. Котрий живе з Тобою
та Святим Духом на віки. Амінь.

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Lenten Regulations

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Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving – Regulations for Fast.

By the threefold discipline of fasting, prayer and almsgiving the Church keeps the Great Fast (Lent)  from Monday, February 12 (February 19), after the Cheesefare Sunday to the day before Easter, Holy Saturday, March 31 (April 7).

The following regulations apply, in general, to all Ukrainian Catholics of the Stamford Eparchy between ages 21 to 60:

Abstinence from meat and dairy products on the first day of the Great Fast, February 12 (February 19), and on Good Friday, March 30 (April 6).

The following regulations apply, in general, to all Ukrainian Catholics of the Stamford Eparchy between ages 14 to 60:

Abstinence from meat is to be observed on all Fridays of the Great Fast. Abstinence from meat is suggested and encouraged on all Wednesdays of the Great Fast.

Note: The following are exempt from abstinence:
1. The poor who live on alms;
2. The sick and the frail;
3. Convalescents who are returning to their strength;
4. Pregnant women, and women who are nursing their children; and
5. Persons who perform hard labor.

Meat is to be understood as including not only the flesh, but also those parts of warm-blooded animals that cannot be rendered, i. е., melted down, e. g., the liver, lungs, blood, etc. meat gravy or soup made from meat is included in this prohibition.

Dairy products are to be understood as comprising products derived from mammals and birds, but not regarded as meat, e. g., cheese, lard, butter, milk, eggs, etc.

Eucharistic Fast:

A fast of one hour from food (prior to service begging time) should be kept by those receiving the Eucharist at the evening celebration of the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, as well as, the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom and St. Basil the Great.